"Grim, have you been in the #underwater #realm?""Why?""Neptune's a creep!""He's ok.""Did you read a poem?""Maybe? You hate my poems.""They're great!""After my last poem you said you'd grind me into powder and make people snort me.""It's a compliment."#bravewrite #whistpr — R Young – louder now. 11772/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 13, 2020
Tag Archives: Prompt
Beezy & Grim Short
"Grim, have you been in the #underwater #realm?""Why?""Neptune's a creep!""He's ok.""Did you read a poem?""Maybe? You hate my poems.""They're great!""After my last poem you said you'd grind me into powder and make people snort me.""It's a compliment."#bravewrite #whistpr — R Young – louder now. 11772/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 13, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short July 13, 2020 at 08:52AM
"I'm Lord of the #ocean,Addicted to motion,The Grim Reaper,Just a lil' creeper." "That's mean." "It's a rap battle, you're meant to rap back." "Ok, Neptune is mean, He's got hair like the giant, jolly green,Like the sweetcorn…" "This is why we don't hang out."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/WIMxIDlQVm — R Young – louder now. 11772/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 13, …
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Beezy & Grim Short
"It looks like a #tortoise.""You say tortoise I say turtle.""They're different things. Is it alive?""Yes Beezy!""How do you know? Does it ever come out of the shell?""The man in the shop said it's quite introverted.""Grim, is it just a shell?""No, the man…oh."#whistpr pic.twitter.com/kSrCZdJBkw — R Young – louder now. 10495/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 12, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short July 12, 2020 at 07:41AM
"#Charisma is not a singular ever-present. It ebbs and flows. It can burn bright in the dark, or only unveil itself in the most mundane.""So when someone seems great at a bbq, Beezy, but is really a bit of a-""A knob, Grim. Clive is knob. My way was more poetic."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/dSVpE9MhTL — R Young – …
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Beezy & Grim Short July 12, 2020 at 07:01AM
"#Charisma is not a singular ever-present. It ebbs and flows. It can burn bright in the dark, or only unveil itself in the most mundane.""So when someone seems great at a bbq, Beezy, but is really be a bit of a-""A knob, Grim. Clive is knob. My way was more poetic."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/8uD5hTxKwW — R Young …
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Beezy & Grim Short
"Am I not #resplendent Grim?""Beezy, have you heard of the emperor's new clothes?""…oh. I had to pass the gates of hell. I thought I could smell burning.""Let's not get the bus.""But it's here.""Typical, wait all day for a bus and then discover you're naked."#BraveWrite pic.twitter.com/tAWS01VtxT — R Young – louder now. 10495/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 11, …
Beezy & Grim Short
"…who has never sinned cast the first #stone, ow!" "Hello. I'm Death my sins don't count." "That hurt." "Doubtful. They already impaled you on a spear. Called you a self-righteous arse nugget, quite rude. No stones involved though. Anyhoo, you're dead, come along."#whistpr — R Young – louder now. 10495/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 11, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short July 11, 2020 at 07:45AM
"They don't like anyone different Grim." "Variety is the spice of life, Beezy." "I like oregano it masks the taste of fear." "They're #xenophobic?" "Angels are elitists. The'd rather watch and record on their phones than help." "Like you when-" "I'm the devil."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/ZyRrfOw8nk — R Young – louder now. 10495/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 11, 2020 …
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Beezy & Grim Short July 10, 2020 at 08:25AM
"Look, Beezy, a sweet little #orphan child." "Grim. It's a demon." "But it's so cute." "It sucks all energy from mortals, it makes them insipid, stupid, selfish, and incapable of more than a few moments conversation." "It makes them parents." "Yes…yes it does."#vss365 — R Young – being QUIET! 8295/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 10, 2020 Source: …
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