“They fear real things, bills, viruses, debts, politicians, failure.” “I’m forgotten?” “As is the way.” “I’m not feared?” “They fear all, they’re fuelled by bravery or spite, you’re intangible, low priority.” “I am usurped by #kakorrhaphiophobia?” “Easy for you to say.” https://t.co/FzsKxdl8EC

"They fear real things, bills, viruses, debts, politicians, failure.""I'm forgotten?""As is the way.""I'm not feared?""They fear all, they're fuelled by bravery or spite, you're intangible, low priority.""I am usurped by #kakorrhaphiophobia?""Easy for you to say."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/FzsKxdl8EC — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 7, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 07, 2020 at 09:05AM …

Beezy & Grim Short

"I don't want do it on my #own""Whose own would you like to be on?""Beezy, how can you turn this into something sexual? I've an emotional hole that needs filling.""Grim, I can't-""Well this discussion is ending prematurely.""-""I'll deal with it by myself.""!"#BraveWrite — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 6, 2020

Beezy & Grim Short

"It's been so long since I've seen a dragon fly Beezy.""Really Grim? They're quite common.""No, dragon fly, not #dragonfly.""Ah, the name is a bad choice that's why I wiped out the dragons, problem solved.""Could've changed the names.""Ugh, paperwork."#whistpr pic.twitter.com/6omMB9HEDC — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 6, 2020

“Hi Beezy.” “Grim.” “So.” “So?” “Notice anything different? Maybe something #ulotrichous.” “No.” “Really?” “I’m not engaging in this ridiculous charade Grim. You’re a fleshless hairless skeleton. I don’t complain about being unrealistically handsome.” “So, no wig?” “…” https://t.co/rWPkmmfK7S

"Hi Beezy.""Grim.""So.""So?""Notice anything different? Maybe something #ulotrichous.""No.""Really?""I'm not engaging in this ridiculous charade Grim. You're a fleshless hairless skeleton. I don't complain about being unrealistically handsome.""So, no wig?""…"#vss365 pic.twitter.com/rWPkmmfK7S — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 6, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 06, 2020 at 08:17AM More information Your Website/Page Anchor Text Here

Beezy & Grim Short

"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…""Bit out of season Beezy…wait what's that smell?""#Chestnut…""NOOOO! CHESTNUT!! WHYYYYY!""You're the Grim Reaper, you knew he was dead.""I know, I spent a fortune on taxidermy.""Creepy.""Really? Have you seen me?"#whistpr — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 5, 2020

“The Satantic vernacular, Was spoken By Dracula Who woke early For his usual #jentacular The light made him ignite To the townfolks’ delight Poor Dracula’s flames were spectacular.” “Death?” “Yes.” “Poetry?” “You didn’t like it?’ “I’ve just combusted.” “Well excuse me.” https://t.co/W6LJ6BJReU

"The Satantic vernacular,Was spokenBy DraculaWho woke earlyFor his usual #jentacularThe light made him igniteTo the townfolks' delightPoor Dracula's flames were spectacular.""Death?""Yes.""Poetry?""You didn't like it?'"I've just combusted.""Well excuse me."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/W6LJ6BJReU — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 5, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 05, 2020 at 08:16AM More information Your Website/Page Anchor Text Here

Beezy & Grim Short

"Grim, don't go #deeper into hell…""There's a door here.""Come over here, you're afraid of doors, remember?""Yes, they're scary. Ever since I opened that door and the paint-""Come on.""I must! Beezy, what is this?""You're on a reality TV show.""Really?""No."#bravewrite pic.twitter.com/FJ98Aj77dd — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 4, 2020

Beezy & Grim Short

"Sometimes I grow weary of this #burden I carry Beezy.""Me too Grim. People underestimate the cruelty of immortality and ignore the truth that we are, in fact, in immortal servitude to a system of-""No, I mean this.""Grim, why do you have a suitcase?""I'm not sure."#whistpr pic.twitter.com/iokZ8tFPWt — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) …

“Ok Evilone, check notes for before yesterday.” “Sorry Beezy, I don’t understand.” “Ok Evilone, check notes.” “When would you like-” “Argh, Evilone check #nudiustertian notes.” “-” “FFS, ok Evilone, play music.” “Playing Barbie girl from playlist Evilone sucks.” “Lol.” https://t.co/MmLqnQuLEE

"Ok Evilone, check notes for before yesterday.""Sorry Beezy, I don't understand.""Ok Evilone, check notes.""When would you like-""Argh, Evilone check #nudiustertian notes.""-""FFS, ok Evilone, play music.""Playing Barbie girl from playlist Evilone sucks.""Lol."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/MmLqnQuLEE — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 4, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 04, 2020 at 09:19AM More information Your Website/Page …

Beezy & Grim Short

"#Traitor, turncoat, backstabber, Judas!""Yes?""Oh, sorry Judas, I forget sometimes. You know everyone else uses your name-""I know. You told me last time Beelzebub, and the time before that.""Right…where were we?""Backstabber.""Right…backstabber, weasel-"#BraveWrite — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 3, 2020