"They fear real things, bills, viruses, debts, politicians, failure.""I'm forgotten?""As is the way.""I'm not feared?""They fear all, they're fuelled by bravery or spite, you're intangible, low priority.""I am usurped by #kakorrhaphiophobia?""Easy for you to say."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/FzsKxdl8EC — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 7, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 07, 2020 at 09:05AM …
Tag Archives: Grim Reaper
Beezy & Grim Short
"I don't want do it on my #own""Whose own would you like to be on?""Beezy, how can you turn this into something sexual? I've an emotional hole that needs filling.""Grim, I can't-""Well this discussion is ending prematurely.""-""I'll deal with it by myself.""!"#BraveWrite — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 6, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"It's been so long since I've seen a dragon fly Beezy.""Really Grim? They're quite common.""No, dragon fly, not #dragonfly.""Ah, the name is a bad choice that's why I wiped out the dragons, problem solved.""Could've changed the names.""Ugh, paperwork."#whistpr pic.twitter.com/6omMB9HEDC — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 6, 2020
“Hi Beezy.” “Grim.” “So.” “So?” “Notice anything different? Maybe something #ulotrichous.” “No.” “Really?” “I’m not engaging in this ridiculous charade Grim. You’re a fleshless hairless skeleton. I don’t complain about being unrealistically handsome.” “So, no wig?” “…” https://t.co/rWPkmmfK7S
"Hi Beezy.""Grim.""So.""So?""Notice anything different? Maybe something #ulotrichous.""No.""Really?""I'm not engaging in this ridiculous charade Grim. You're a fleshless hairless skeleton. I don't complain about being unrealistically handsome.""So, no wig?""…"#vss365 pic.twitter.com/rWPkmmfK7S — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 6, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 06, 2020 at 08:17AM More information Your Website/Page Anchor Text Here
Beezy & Grim Short
"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…""Bit out of season Beezy…wait what's that smell?""#Chestnut…""NOOOO! CHESTNUT!! WHYYYYY!""You're the Grim Reaper, you knew he was dead.""I know, I spent a fortune on taxidermy.""Creepy.""Really? Have you seen me?"#whistpr — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 5, 2020
“The Satantic vernacular, Was spoken By Dracula Who woke early For his usual #jentacular The light made him ignite To the townfolks’ delight Poor Dracula’s flames were spectacular.” “Death?” “Yes.” “Poetry?” “You didn’t like it?’ “I’ve just combusted.” “Well excuse me.” https://t.co/W6LJ6BJReU
"The Satantic vernacular,Was spokenBy DraculaWho woke earlyFor his usual #jentacularThe light made him igniteTo the townfolks' delightPoor Dracula's flames were spectacular.""Death?""Yes.""Poetry?""You didn't like it?'"I've just combusted.""Well excuse me."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/W6LJ6BJReU — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 5, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 05, 2020 at 08:16AM More information Your Website/Page Anchor Text Here
Beezy & Grim Short
"Grim, don't go #deeper into hell…""There's a door here.""Come over here, you're afraid of doors, remember?""Yes, they're scary. Ever since I opened that door and the paint-""Come on.""I must! Beezy, what is this?""You're on a reality TV show.""Really?""No."#bravewrite pic.twitter.com/FJ98Aj77dd — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 4, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"Sometimes I grow weary of this #burden I carry Beezy.""Me too Grim. People underestimate the cruelty of immortality and ignore the truth that we are, in fact, in immortal servitude to a system of-""No, I mean this.""Grim, why do you have a suitcase?""I'm not sure."#whistpr pic.twitter.com/iokZ8tFPWt — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) …
“Ok Evilone, check notes for before yesterday.” “Sorry Beezy, I don’t understand.” “Ok Evilone, check notes.” “When would you like-” “Argh, Evilone check #nudiustertian notes.” “-” “FFS, ok Evilone, play music.” “Playing Barbie girl from playlist Evilone sucks.” “Lol.” https://t.co/MmLqnQuLEE
"Ok Evilone, check notes for before yesterday.""Sorry Beezy, I don't understand.""Ok Evilone, check notes.""When would you like-""Argh, Evilone check #nudiustertian notes.""-""FFS, ok Evilone, play music.""Playing Barbie girl from playlist Evilone sucks.""Lol."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/MmLqnQuLEE — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 4, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 04, 2020 at 09:19AM More information Your Website/Page …
Beezy & Grim Short
"#Traitor, turncoat, backstabber, Judas!""Yes?""Oh, sorry Judas, I forget sometimes. You know everyone else uses your name-""I know. You told me last time Beelzebub, and the time before that.""Right…where were we?""Backstabber.""Right…backstabber, weasel-"#BraveWrite — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 3, 2020