"Fascism is the worst!""I'm right here.""Sorry Fascism, but you're not a horseman.""I was voted in.""I didn't #vote for fascism!""Grim, the others voted, I'm in! If you hate me you should've voted.""I do hate you!""You're discriminating against me.""…sorry."#vss365 — Ross Young. 4066/50000 (@InkDisregardit) November 3, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit November 03, 2020 at 06:26AM More information Your …
Tag Archives: Grim Reaper
Beezy & Grim Short
"Your name is #mud.""Um Beezy, it's Grim, or Grim Reaper, or Death.""I mean your reputation.""What does that mean? Mud is a vital component of life. The nitrogen cycle, soil nutrients, oh, decomposition, pretty important stuff.""Ok, you're awesome Grim.""I am!"#whistpr pic.twitter.com/BQotjW4N6S — Ross Young. 2018/50000 (@InkDisregardit) November 2, 2020
“Grim… what’s on your face?” “I decided to stop shaving and grow my beard out.” “…” “…” “Is it permanent #ink?” “Yes.” “I’ll get the white spirit.” “…yes please Beezy.” “She’ll find this hilarious.” “What? I thought you meant the solvent! Don’t tell her!” https://t.co/MhL3s8fE8s
"Grim… what's on your face?""I decided to stop shaving and grow my beard out.""…""…""Is it permanent #ink?""Yes.""I'll get the white spirit.""…yes please Beezy.""She'll find this hilarious.""What? I thought you meant the solvent! Don't tell her!"#vss365 pic.twitter.com/MhL3s8fE8s — Ross Young. 2018/50000 (@InkDisregardit) November 2, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit November 02, 2020 at 09:52AM More information Your Website/Page …
“Wooo!” “Ah, another dream where I am visited by Death, delightful.” “No, actually you’re dead.” “You always say that. Come on then. Let’s get to the ravishing!” “I’m not #oneiric!” “Don’t worry your shiny skull I’ll get you there!” “That’s not, ew, you can live, bye!”
"Wooo!""Ah, another dream where I am visited by Death, delightful.""No, actually you're dead.""You always say that. Come on then. Let's get to the ravishing!""I'm not #oneiric!""Don't worry your shiny skull I'll get you there!""That's not, ew, you can live, bye!"#vss365 — Ross Young. Away. (@InkDisregardit) November 1, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit November 01, 2020 at 08:54AM …
Beezy & Grim Short
"Meet the guardians of Hell. The last bastion of defence against mortals who attempt to free souls.""#Gary, I remember you!""Grim! How's my family?""Not due for a while yet.""That's nice! Well, off to slaughter some heroes.""Have fun! He was in telesales you know?"#whistpr pic.twitter.com/HfR1L8tlrb — Ross Young. Away. (@InkDisregardit) October 31, 2020
“Grim, it’s a bad idea.” “It’s just a photo.” “Stop!” “Sent!” “Drunk posts are #dangerous.” “40 bites and 8 resurrections already. Going viral!” “Your robe’s tucked into your vertebrae, you can see your pelvic bone in the mirror.” “Delete!” “Too late.” “Damn you bitter!” https://t.co/ZQ5u4FwAaa
"Grim, it's a bad idea.""It's just a photo.""Stop!""Sent!""Drunk posts are #dangerous.""40 bites and 8 resurrections already. Going viral!""Your robe's tucked into your vertebrae, you can see your pelvic bone in the mirror.""Delete!""Too late.""Damn you bitter!"#vss365 pic.twitter.com/ZQ5u4FwAaa — Ross Young. Away. (@InkDisregardit) October 31, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit October 31, 2020 at 07:22AM More information Your Website/Page …
“Isn’t it lovely to be by the #seaside Beezy? Beautiful scenery, fresh sea air.” “We’re on the banks of the Styx.” “The sounds of the waves.” “The screaming of condemned souls?” “I’m not sure the resort idea is going to work.” “No Grim.” “I bought a time share.” “Idiot.” https://t.co/EWnfY35Wu9
"Isn't it lovely to be by the #seaside Beezy? Beautiful scenery, fresh sea air.""We're on the banks of the Styx.""The sounds of the waves.""The screaming of condemned souls?""I'm not sure the resort idea is going to work.""No Grim.""I bought a time share.""Idiot."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/EWnfY35Wu9 — Ross Young. Away. (@InkDisregardit) October 30, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit October 30, …
“Grim, what’s this?” “I’m working out. See, a sweatband.” “Do you sweat?” “Of course I do! Feel the burn Beezy!” “I always feel the burn.” “Check my guns.” “Is that glue on your face?” “This is a #bead of sweat.” “It’s glue and it doesn’t look like sweat.” “It’s sweat!” https://t.co/yVsc5jrqFR
"Grim, what's this?""I'm working out. See, a sweatband.""Do you sweat?""Of course I do! Feel the burn Beezy!""I always feel the burn.""Check my guns.""Is that glue on your face?""This is a #bead of sweat.""It's glue and it doesn't look like sweat.""It's sweat!"#vss365 pic.twitter.com/yVsc5jrqFR — Ross Young. Away. (@InkDisregardit) October 29, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit October 29, 2020 …
“HOW DARE THEY!” “Beezy, don’t get mad, get #even.” “Shut up Grim. That might work for your, ‘more neutral than thou’ routine but I’m the devil! I will have my vengeance on those orifice headed feathery angelic tossers!” “This is the lord of flies thing?” “Flies! FLIES!”
"HOW DARE THEY!""Beezy, don't get mad, get #even.""Shut up Grim. That might work for your, 'more neutral than thou' routine but I'm the devil! I will have my vengeance on those orifice headed feathery angelic tossers!""This is the lord of flies thing?""Flies! FLIES!"#vss365 — Ross Young. Away. (@InkDisregardit) October 28, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit October 28, …
“The infernal #machine never stops.” “So it’s perpetual Beezy?” “Yes.” “Isn’t entropy a thing in hell, the number of souls is always increasing so…” “Don’t Grim.” “Don’t apply the scientific method or logical applications?” “Exactly, nowadays we just make stuff up.”
"The infernal #machine never stops.""So it's perpetual Beezy?""Yes.""Isn't entropy a thing in hell, the number of souls is always increasing so…""Don't Grim.""Don't apply the scientific method or logical applications?""Exactly, nowadays we just make stuff up."#vss365 — Ross Young. Away. (@InkDisregardit) October 27, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit October 27, 2020 at 09:30PM More information Your Website/Page Anchor …