Beezy & Grim Short July 05, 2020 at 08:34AM

"#money is the root of all evil.""Don't be a #moron Grim. Trade is important it leads to civilisation, development-""Money isn't evil?""Oh, it is.""I'm lost.""Here Grim, go buy something.""Thanks Beezy.""No more questions!""Okay!""Or skipping.""Oh.""#Vss365 #whistpr — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 5, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 05, 2020 at 08:34AM More information Your Website/Page Anchor Text Here

Beezy & Grim Short

"#money is the root of all evil.""Don't be a #moron Grim. Trade is important it leads to civilisation, development-""Money isn't evil?""Oh, it is.""I'm lost.""Here Grim, go buy something.""Thanks Beezy.""No more questions!""Okay!""Or skipping.""Oh.""#Vss365 #whistpr — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 5, 2020

Beezy & Grim Short July 05, 2020 at 08:17AM

"Beezy, I have no nose.""How do you smell?""I don't know.""It's a joke.""A joke at my expense? Why would you-""No Grim, you #moron. It's not about you.""It sounded like it was about me.""Grim, you're flogging a dead horse.""I am not. I hate horses.""Oh for f-"#vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 5, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July …

Beezy & Grim Short

"You have to be #loud to be a #patriot.""Really Beezy?""No Grim, but it's easier to sow the seeds of discontent when they're shouting.""So the louder they shout at each other…""The easier they are to control.""Divide and conquer.""Devilish, isn't it?"#whistpr #vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 4, 2020

Beezy & Grim Short July 04, 2020 at 08:20AM

“What’s this?”“Isn’t it obvious?”“They’re patting each other on the head…it’s very unruly.”“It’s a?”“Riot…a pat riot…really Beezy?”“It’s for scumbags who hide evil behind a thin veil of patriotism.”“It’s the joke that’s terrible.”“I know Grim, there, there.”#vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 4, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 04, 2020 at 08:20AM More information Your Website/Page Anchor …

Beezy & Grim Short July 03, 2020 at 12:51PM

#vss365The civil servants of the cosmos were gatheredGabriel's #angels seraphim and cherubimLucifer's demons satyrs and hobgoblinsA few men with dodgy moustaches stood at the backWhere's my #demogorgon? Roared the AlmightySorry boss I thought you said #demogogues. — Aka Katy (@AkaKaty1) July 3, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 03, 2020 at 12:51PM More information Your Website/Page Anchor …

Beezy & Grim Short July 03, 2020 at 12:05PM

"#Keep my counsel father.""The lord forgives- stop laughing!""Well you're Death pretending to be a priest and I'm the Devil. It's ridiculous.""Fine Beezy, you tell the #demogorgon her script is ridiculous.""…okay Grim, #enough let's do this."#whistpr #bravewrite #vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 3, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 03, 2020 at 12:05PM More information Your Website/Page …

Beezy & Grim Short July 03, 2020 at 11:37AM

"Have you had #enough?""Never!""They will tell epic tales of this battle between Beelzebub and Death himself.""Of how the Devil bested the Grim Reaper.""Who's judging?""The #demogorgon will decide. She's a souffle fan.""Let the bake off commence."#bravewrite #vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 3, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 03, 2020 at 11:37AM More information Your Website/Page …