Beezy & Grim Short

"Behold, the mighty #wrench of Garglemeir! Grim, be in awe.""Um, VERY pretty. Was that awful enough?"""Awful. It's a demonic weapon.""It has 'Stanley' written on the side.""Stanley is now Garglemeir's surname. It's for nut tightening.""These nuts-""Correct.""Oh."#whistpr — Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 6, 2020

“Measure each soul weighted against the deeds from their lives, wether small or large, remembered or forgotten. Each one-” “Do they replace the loo roll when it runs out?” “What?” “That’s the only #measure this week, Grim.” “Only that?” “Yup.” “Seems simple, but fair.”

"Measure each soul weighted against the deeds from their lives, wether small or large, remembered or forgotten. Each one-""Do they replace the loo roll when it runs out?""What?""That's the only #measure this week, Grim.""Only that?""Yup.""Seems simple, but fair."#vss365 — Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 6, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit December 06, 2020 at …

Beezy & Grim Short

"Hold this Beezy.""What is it?""It's #sarcasm.""Um-""I collected it from an ancient one people said was dripping in sarcasm.""Grim. This is-""It is the oldest form of wit. I rub it on to improve my sarcasm.""Which part of the ancient one was it dripping from?"#vsshumour — Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 6, 2020

“Beezy, you’re #imaginary?” “No Grim, that’s propaganda.” “Ah, the greatest trick the devil ever did, was convincing people he wasn’t real.” “I disagree.” “You do?” “Definitely, it was inventing social media.” “I don’t do tricks.” “Sit Grim.” “Okay.” “Good Deathy.”

"Beezy, you're #imaginary?""No Grim, that's propaganda.""Ah, the greatest trick the devil ever did, was convincing people he wasn't real.""I disagree.""You do?""Definitely, it was inventing social media.""I don't do tricks.""Sit Grim.""Okay.""Good Deathy."#vss365 — Ross Rudolph's duller cousin Young (@InkDisregardit) December 5, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit December 05, 2020 at 08:19AM More information Your Website/Page Anchor Text …

Beezy & Grim Short

"Get away pervert!""Mhm, you got pretty bony ankles.""Ew, you're dead, DEAD""I'm just playing.""Playing? You #uplift my robe and expect me to laugh?""What do you expect, dressed like that?""Dressed like? What has that got-""Just saying-""Ugh, necromancers."#whistpr — Ross Rudolph's duller cousin Young (@InkDisregardit) December 4, 2020

“This white tundra, an #expanse of isolation, a blanket of frigid-” “Hi!” “Hello, I’m Death.” “I’m a snowman.” “I know. I have eyes. Well, not literally.” “It’s time?” “Just checking in. Nobody considers the eternal snowpeople.” “Soon?” “Yes. Mankind will see to it.”

"This white tundra, an #expanse of isolation, a blanket of frigid-""Hi!""Hello, I'm Death.""I'm a snowman.""I know. I have eyes. Well, not literally.""It's time?""Just checking in. Nobody considers the eternal snowpeople.""Soon?""Yes. Mankind will see to it."#vss365 — Ross Rudolph's duller cousin Young (@InkDisregardit) December 4, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit December 04, 2020 at 07:55AM More information …

A character witness?” “Yes Grim.” “Beezy, they won’t #overturn their decision-” “They have to, Grim.” “Do they use character witnesses?” “Grim, please.” “Without a receipt they’re going to say no.” “This jumper fit when I bought it.” “-” “What?” “You do like mince pies.”

A character witness?""Yes Grim.""Beezy, they won't #overturn their decision-""They have to, Grim.""Do they use character witnesses?""Grim, please.""Without a receipt they're going to say no.""This jumper fit when I bought it.""-""What?""You do like mince pies."#vss365 — Ross Rudolph's duller cousin Young (@InkDisregardit) December 3, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit December 03, 2020 at 09:44AM More information Your …

“A character witness?” “Yes Grim.” “Beezy, they won’ #overturn their decision-” “They have to, Grim.” “Do they use character witnesses?” “Grim, please.” “Without a receipt they’re going to say no.” “This jumper fit when I bought it.” “-” “What?” “You do like mince pies.”

"A character witness?""Yes Grim.""Beezy, they won' #overturn their decision-""They have to, Grim.""Do they use character witnesses?""Grim, please.""Without a receipt they're going to say no.""This jumper fit when I bought it.""-""What?""You do like mince pies."#vss365 — Ross Rudolph's duller cousin Young (@InkDisregardit) December 3, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit December 03, 2020 at 09:11AM More information Your …

Beezy & Grim Short

"Grim, what's that?""I'm impressed. Most people imagine me in my #summer wardrobe but I change with the seasons. This is my winter robe.""It looks exactly the same. I was talking about the thingy drawn on your head.""Bloody imps! What do you mean thingy?""Um, a co-"#whistpr — Ross Rudolph's duller cousin Young (@InkDisregardit) December 2, …

“Clip-clop, isn’t it annoying?” “Yes Grim, but not as annoying as having it pointed out. Why don’t you click with those boney feet?” “Death comes on #silent wings, Beezy.” “Grim?” “I glue felt to the souls of my feet.” “Like…like those little pads for furniture.” “…”

"Clip-clop, isn't it annoying?""Yes Grim, but not as annoying as having it pointed out. Why don't you click with those boney feet?""Death comes on #silent wings, Beezy.""Grim?""I glue felt to the souls of my feet.""Like…like those little pads for furniture.""…"#vss365 — Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) December 2, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit December 02, 2020 at 09:12AM …