"Grim, where are you?"
"Beezy, the train stopped. We're stuck in an inter-dimensional vortex."
"Leaves on the line."
"Inter-dimensional leaves?"
"That's what the driver said before he turned into a #sandwich. A BLT I think."
"I'll come and get you, I'm peckish."#whistpr— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 21, 2020
“Hello, #colporteur.” “I’m Death.” “I know. I’m checking your subscriptions.” “Ah, okay.” “Armageddon tired of this?” “No, too conservative.” “Daily Deity?” “Too liberal.” “Get your baps out?” “I don’t bake anymore.” “Bible times?” “Got to keep an eye on current affairs.” https://t.co/mMa6Rvv0d4
"Hello, #colporteur."
"I'm Death."
"I know. I'm checking your subscriptions."
"Ah, okay."
"Armageddon tired of this?"
"No, too conservative."
"Daily Deity?"
"Too liberal."
"Get your baps out?"
"I don't bake anymore."
"Bible times?"
"Got to keep an eye on current affairs."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/mMa6Rvv0d4— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 21, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit September 21, 2020 at 09:03AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"I'm #provocative,
No words needed,
I'm evocative,
See my bones,
We'll be cooperative
I'm the deathly,
Grim operative.""Stop."
"I'm Beelzebub,
I've no more f***s to give,
One more rap,
You'll be inoperative.""That #ryhmes. Can I use it?"
"-"#bravewrite #whistpr pic.twitter.com/bKuNyhYL0e
— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 20, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"I'm #provocative,
No words needed,
I'm evocative,
See my bones,
We'll be cooperative
I'm the deathly,
Grim operative.""Stop."
"I'm Beelzebub,
I've no more f***s to give,
One more rap,
You'll be inoperative.""That #ryhmes. Can I use it?"
"-"#bravewrite #whistpr pic.twitter.com/bKuNyhYL0e
— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 20, 2020
“Thesuarius I’ve caught you!” “Grim, it’s not how it looks?” “Really, I’ve noticed the words the dead have been using.” “Fine, I’ve been stealing souls through excessive verbiage.” “It’s over.” “#absquatulate!” “No! This isn’t over, nobody escapes Death… repeatedly.” https://t.co/fBtr5VQjAg
"Thesuarius I've caught you!"
"Grim, it's not how it looks?"
"Really, I've noticed the words the dead have been using."
"Fine, I've been stealing souls through excessive verbiage."
"It's over."
"No! This isn't over, nobody escapes Death… repeatedly."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/fBtr5VQjAg— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 20, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit September 20, 2020 at 08:04AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"Beezy, I've a #query from a potential soul."
"Potential? They're either mine or not."
"He called me a skeletal eunuch with the personality of a brick who's as likeable as a bucket of vomit."
"Problem is, he's on the cusp, so is it fact, or insult?"
"Oh."#whistpr pic.twitter.com/rwkVtNlcKJ— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 19, 2020
“Hello.” “I…” “You fell.” “I did?” “Hm. You landed. I’m Death.” “I’m Mel.” “Ah, so you’re Mel who dropped.” “What?” “Stop sniffling. Beezy has constructed a giant nose just for you.” “I don’t-” “I’m sorry #meldrop but there are only so many ducks one can give.” “Ducks?” https://t.co/tRVU4BWGq8
"You fell."
"I did?"
"Hm. You landed. I'm Death."
"I'm Mel."
"Ah, so you're Mel who dropped."
"Stop sniffling. Beezy has constructed a giant nose just for you."
"I don't-"
"I'm sorry #meldrop but there are only so many ducks one can give."
"Ducks?"#vss365 pic.twitter.com/tRVU4BWGq8— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 19, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit September 19, 2020 at 08:35AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"I #invoke Grim Reaper's ritual!"
"Hello, you called?"
"Uh… it's just a game."
"No, you invoked my ritual."
"Am I dead?"
"Even better, we sing, 'dont fear the reaper', I even brought a cowbell."
"Phew, I thought I was dead."
"Not until after the ritual. Ready?"#BraveWrite pic.twitter.com/TJi5XKEp1L— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 18, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"Grim, what's this?"
"You're invited to the neutral #privy council."
"In a garden shed?"
"Not a shed."
"A privy-"
"Yes, Beezy. We'll sit together. Flush and enter the neutral realm."
"Meeting spaces are available to hire at most hotels."
"Really? That would be easier."#whistpr pic.twitter.com/SuUhXZKHKY— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 18, 2020
“Sorry I’m late, traffic was awful.” “Traffic? I have waited a #chiliad for Death to come then you saunter in as if it’s been minutes.” “A chiliad…odd choice of words.” “This thesaurus has been my only company.” “You’re only up to C?” “I’m dead, I can’t turn the pages.” https://t.co/SLSj9Mjsmy
"Sorry I'm late, traffic was awful."
"Traffic? I have waited a #chiliad for Death to come then you saunter in as if it's been minutes."
"A chiliad…odd choice of words."
"This thesaurus has been my only company."
"You're only up to C?"
"I'm dead, I can't turn the pages."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/SLSj9Mjsmy— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 18, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit September 18, 2020 at 08:15AM
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