"What a wicked #web we weave when first we practise to…um, dec-"
"How about , We practise, not to breathe?"
"It works for me. How about, 'achieve'"
"So, all achievements are evil."
"So don't try, see Beezy, always thinking."
"Grim, don't help."
"Aha, exactly!"#whistpr pic.twitter.com/YiwEGpPxy3— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 25, 2020
“Everyone I work with is #finifugal Beezy.” “People don’t want their lives to end?” “Exactly.” “Grim…of course they don’t” “Seems selfish to me.” “Maybe put the, ‘finally it’s over’ banner away?” “Oh, ‘better you than me’?” “No.” “Just the chequered flag then.” https://t.co/fBfzr8t8sS
"Everyone I work with is #finifugal Beezy."
"People don't want their lives to end?"
"Grim…of course they don't"
"Seems selfish to me."
"Maybe put the, 'finally it's over' banner away?"
"Oh, 'better you than me'?"
"Just the chequered flag then."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/fBfzr8t8sS— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 25, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit September 25, 2020 at 07:17AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"Tell me about the puppy again Beezy."
"The puppy rescued kittens from a fire, was wrongly blamed, saved a child, and visited its masters grave every day."
"There we go."
"Did you just use a pipette to put #teardrops on your face?"
"No…I'm sensitive"
"Idiot Grim."#bravewrite— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 24, 2020
“Grim why are there 11 of you?” “So we can have a football match, you and the demons Vs me!” “How have you done this?” “I returned here after the game 10 times.” “This #barmicide will fracture space and time.” “You’re afraid you’ll lose.” “We’ll pop out of existe-” *Pop*
"Grim why are there 11 of you?"
"So we can have a football match, you and the demons Vs me!"
"How have you done this?"
"I returned here after the game 10 times."
"This #barmicide will fracture space and time."
"You're afraid you'll lose."
"We'll pop out of existe-"
*Pop*#vss365— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 24, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit September 24, 2020 at 08:16AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"What's so funny?"
"Henchman, how was the death of my nemesis?"
"I'm no henchman. Do they look like me?"
"You're a bit skinny. What's going on?"
"Your nemesis chose to #obviate you."
"I'm a supervillain, super!"
"I'm Death, Superdeath! I should get a cape."#BraveWrite pic.twitter.com/olB2o0HsI6— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 23, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"Mortals have so many #unwritten rules Grim. I'm the devil and I can't keep track, dating, politics-"
"They don't."
"They do."
"One moment," *THUD* "here."
"What's that?"
"I've written them down."
"You've…oh. So they're written rules."
"Does it help?"
"No." #whistpr pic.twitter.com/apSXwzGMwz— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 23, 2020
“Grim, you’re being weird again.” “Are you doing this on purpose Beezy?” “What?” “We could have gone anywhere.” “Oh for crying out loud, is this your #deipnophobia again?” “I don’t have a FACE! It’s perfectly reasonable.” “Just eat.” “Noodles are difficult without lips.” https://t.co/Xd3vDIUF8U
"Grim, you're being weird again."
"Are you doing this on purpose Beezy?"
"We could have gone anywhere."
"Oh for crying out loud, is this your #deipnophobia again?"
"I don't have a FACE! It's perfectly reasonable."
"Just eat."
"Noodles are difficult without lips."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/Xd3vDIUF8U— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 23, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit September 23, 2020 at 06:40AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"Grim, that's actually quite a tasteful #trim you've added to your robe."
"Beezy it's not intentional."
"Really, it's so artistic?"
"I tried to stop people gathering, it's too busy."
"I tried to reason with them and they tried to burn me at the stake."#whistpr pic.twitter.com/MFqh9lfwNe— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 22, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"I know you're trying to help but-"
"Well it just doesn't #connate what I'm trying to do?"
"But I was positive. Support Death, the devil wants your money – I can't see how I could be more supportive."
"It's a charity fun run for an animal shelter."#BraveWrite pic.twitter.com/UdqCdvKlMX— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 22, 2020
“Left, straight, right, straight, U-turn, third exit, second right, up two levels, take the third door, board the train, and it’s the third stop.” “Fine.” “I’m supposed to guide you. That’s what Death does.” “I don’t need your help.” “Well Miss Ann Fractious, good luck.”
"Left, straight, right, straight, U-turn, third exit, second right, up two levels, take the third door, board the train, and it's the third stop."
"I'm supposed to guide you. That's what Death does."
"I don't need your help."
"Well Miss Ann Fractious, good luck."#vss365— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) September 22, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit September 22, 2020 at 08:39AM
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