"The problem with immortality is knowing when you're #old."
"You're old Grim."
"What about my midlife crisis?"
"We don't get those."
"But Beezy what about your sports cars, leather jackets, and need to learn the guitar?"
"Isn't that the same thing?'#whistpr pic.twitter.com/klpT4I4lo3— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) October 11, 2020
“Grim, what’s this?” “It’s a #joik.” “It’s not a funny one. This is the 7th circle of Hell.” “A joik is a-” “I’ve told you before Barry Manilow only.” “I thought that was 5th circle. Beezy, this isn’t anything like being a radio DJ.” “It is! Now wind up the gramophone.” https://t.co/F1DOlTQNUM
"Grim, what's this?"
"It's a #joik."
"It's not a funny one. This is the 7th circle of Hell."
"A joik is a-"
"I've told you before Barry Manilow only."
"I thought that was 5th circle. Beezy, this isn't anything like being a radio DJ."
"It is! Now wind up the gramophone."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/F1DOlTQNUM— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) October 11, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit October 11, 2020 at 09:15AM
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“This #round object that holds fates innumerable. The spherical home of life and death. This orb where mortal life hangs in the balance.” “Beezy, give me my head back. It’s a skull not on orb.” “Oh, sorry Grim, I didn’t realise it was you!” “You said that last 4 times.” https://t.co/Ed8iwU0f5c
"This #round object that holds fates innumerable. The spherical home of life and death. This orb where mortal life hangs in the balance."
"Beezy, give me my head back. It's a skull not on orb."
"Oh, sorry Grim, I didn't realise it was you!"
"You said that last 4 times."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/Ed8iwU0f5c— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) October 10, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit October 10, 2020 at 08:30AM
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“Why’d you go collect mortals who’ve died?” “#because I want to, because I want to.” “Why’d you always promote genocide?” “Because I want to, because I want to.” “Grim. There are more appropriate songs to cover than an obscure 90s teeny bopper tune.” “I doubt it Beezy.” https://t.co/ctyZH5y8A2
"Why'd you go collect mortals who've died?"
"#because I want to, because I want to."
"Why'd you always promote genocide?"
"Because I want to, because I want to."
"Grim. There are more appropriate songs to cover than an obscure 90s teeny bopper tune."
"I doubt it Beezy."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/ctyZH5y8A2— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) October 9, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit October 09, 2020 at 09:41AM
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“Argh, don’t pop up on people like that!” “Want a coffee skeletor?” “Skeletor, I’m Death! You pointy hatted beardy short ar-” “Try Barry’s coffee today!” “No thank you, stop following me.” “Free croissant with any coffee today.” “I don’t care! Bloody gnome ads.” #nomad https://t.co/mo0L0N6qir
"Argh, don't pop up on people like that!"
"Want a coffee skeletor?"
"Skeletor, I'm Death! You pointy hatted beardy short ar-"
"Try Barry's coffee today!"
"No thank you, stop following me."
"Free croissant with any coffee today."
"I don't care! Bloody gnome ads."#vss365 #nomad pic.twitter.com/mo0L0N6qir— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) October 8, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit October 08, 2020 at 09:03AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"Moral #bankruptcy is not an excuse for indiscriminate #vengeance."
"Please Grim."
"You can't refuse a super villain's entry to hell because their argument for global destruction has merit."
"So I get another #knob in hell?"
"A damned knob, Beezy."#bravewrite #whistpr #vssmurder pic.twitter.com/f8aLlVIwmT— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) October 7, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"Moral #bankruptcy is not an excuse for indiscriminate #vengeance."
"Please Grim."
"You can't refuse a super villain's entry to hell because their argument for global destruction has merit."
"So I get another #knob in hell?"
"A damned knob, Beezy."#bravewrite #whistpr #vssmurder pic.twitter.com/f8aLlVIwmT— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) October 7, 2020
“I’m picking up a deceased individual. Apparently we can’t say dead person anymore.” “Miaow.” “Yes, you’re a #cat.” “Miaow.” “No thanks, I had a bagel. Is that a corpse?” “Miaow.” “No, feel free, I need the soul. I’m Death.” “Miaow.” “I didn’t think it was obvious.” https://t.co/80L4y2YLiv
"I'm picking up a deceased individual. Apparently we can't say dead person anymore."
"Yes, you're a #cat."
"No thanks, I had a bagel. Is that a corpse?"
"No, feel free, I need the soul. I'm Death."
"I didn't think it was obvious."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/80L4y2YLiv— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) October 7, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit October 07, 2020 at 11:09AM
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“The birth of a demon is like a #flower coming into bloom.” “Is it Beezy? There’s a lot more blood and screaming…effluent…pain…and there’s the altar with the writhing mortals-” “Yes, Grim there are some differences.” “The smell.” “Fine. It’s a bad analogy.”
"The birth of a demon is like a #flower coming into bloom."
"Is it Beezy? There's a lot more blood and screaming…effluent…pain…and there's the altar with the writhing mortals-"
"Yes, Grim there are some differences."
"The smell."
"Fine. It's a bad analogy."#vss365— Ross Young (@InkDisregardit) October 6, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit October 06, 2020 at 08:12AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"Beezy, take this."
"What is it Grim?"
"You've been served."
"Grim you can't deliver court summons."
"I've always done it. I'm neutral."
"Actually that makes sense. Ugh, this again."
"What is it?"
"I'm being accused of #ableism."
"By who?"
"Cain, obviously."#BraveWrite pic.twitter.com/SYOxNsAAZA— Ross Young – tweeting prompts only back soon. (@InkDisregardit) October 5, 2020