“What poison is this? The effluent of mortals that seeps from the pores of that vile society? Flowers, music, art, passion, this insipid thing, ‘love’. I will crush #happiness at the end of days!” “Beezy, did you look at cat GIFs again?” “Grim, I was lost for 7 hours.” https://t.co/Ng9Y5GpVtp

Source: @InkDisregardit October 22, 2020 at 10:28AM
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“Hello? Can you hear me?” “Yes, I can hear you. Oh, these stupid video calls. Everyone seems to have #frozen except you Grim.” “Oh. I did mean to tell you not to put the video on.” “Oh, is it lagging?” “Something like that Medusa. Let’s try again some other time.” https://t.co/lfMfy9YpZk

Source: @InkDisregardit October 21, 2020 at 09:25AM
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“Grim you need an #online presence.” “I’m on bitter.” “Then interact with people, build a following.” “Is it a religious thing? I’m not good with that stuff.” “No, it’s more…” “Beezy, isn’t it people trying to make a cult of themselves?” “It’s important!” “Oh…why?”

Source: @InkDisregardit October 20, 2020 at 09:50AM
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“The curse of the mortal. To be #curious about all things. To wonder why, who, what, when, and how. To appreciate that to know one must first look.” “Beezy, that sounds terrible.” “What’s the book about Grim?” “Don’t know. I haven’t opened it.” “Are you going to?” “No.” https://t.co/4Q7rcVt204

Source: @InkDisregardit October 19, 2020 at 10:01AM
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“Like a budding flower the bloom of Armageddon grows.” “Beezy we want the #calyx to remain protecting us!” “Grim, if we cut the stem the flower won’t grow.” “The metaphor is stretched thin, what’s the stem of Armageddon’s flower?” “Fold-up bicycles.” “That’s specific.” https://t.co/LNH54Z5hqG

Source: @InkDisregardit October 18, 2020 at 09:49AM
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“You’re dead, you know?” “You’re Death, I know.” “What happened?” “I got the chance to box the world heavyweight champion.” “You didn’t win.” “Can’t understand it. I did a montage and everything.” “Like a #movie.” “Yeah, 2 minutes.” “That’s all you did?” “There’s more?” https://t.co/MBcglO7Zjw

Source: @InkDisregardit October 17, 2020 at 09:25AM
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“You can’t do this!” “Your #pass expired. You can’t come on” “What about work?” “Not my problem.” “It’s everyone’s problem.” “Ooh, ‘I’m the Grim Reaper, I’m so important.'” “Shove your ferry!” “That’s how it moves!” “SHARON!” “Styx ferries thanks you for your custom!” https://t.co/wdyFbmwcs1

Source: @InkDisregardit October 15, 2020 at 01:27PM
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“A #toxic workplace atmosphere!” “Another HR busybody. Let me guess, sensitivity training again.” “No-” “It works both ways. You’re stifling my individuality! I’ll sue if you try to sack me!” “A literal toxic atmosphere, you’re dead. I’m Death. From human resources.” https://t.co/sLepgkO1Wy

Source: @InkDisregardit October 14, 2020 at 11:56AM
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“Death is a fool. I will reign eternal with my immortality elixir!” “Got you!” “Who said that?” “I did! Death!” “My model skeleton?” “I’m undercover!” “#naked with a hook in your head suspended from a stand?” “Yes! Your hubris made it easy!” “How embarrassing for me…” https://t.co/ECoulgP6CL

Source: @InkDisregardit October 13, 2020 at 10:39AM
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“Beelzebub, why are you here? This is a heavenly bar.” “And?” “You’re not welcome.” “Thanks for the #chat.” “Fallen scum. Get out.” “Beezy!” “Grim, about time. Let’s go. I don’t want to be around these feather heads.” “You’re so judgemental.” “I’m the devil, remember.”

Source: @InkDisregardit October 12, 2020 at 09:05AM
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