"Wooo, ah, this again. You're dead."
"We were too good for this sick twisted world anyway!"
"Well, perhaps."
"Monsters, vampires-"
"Vampires suck blood-"
"They even eat our buttons!"
"They are #chocolate"
"I refuse to die."
"Look, I didn't make you a gingerbread man."#vsshumour pic.twitter.com/xMmvNdTZn9— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 13, 2020
“Dark deeds are plotted here, Grim. I can sense it.” “Yes Beezy, #cunning lingers.” “What?” “I said cunning lingers.” “Oh. This place is filled with darkness.” “It’s where film producers meet.” “But new ideas are joyous.” “To plan reboots of beloved films.” “True evil.”
"Dark deeds are plotted here, Grim. I can sense it."
"Yes Beezy, #cunning lingers."
"I said cunning lingers."
"Oh. This place is filled with darkness."
"It's where film producers meet."
"But new ideas are joyous."
"To plan reboots of beloved films."
"True evil."#vss365— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 13, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit December 13, 2020 at 07:28AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"Beezy, I'm feeling #sassy."
"Leave her alone."
"My mood is sassy."
"Is that why you're moving your head like that?"
"Yes. Got a problem?"
"Sorry to hear it. Is there anything I can do?"
"Someone plucked my raven."
"That boa looks quite murderous, Grim."#vsshumour pic.twitter.com/KWdMlu19Rs— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 12, 2020
“I #treasure these moments Grim.” “Really?” “Comeuppance is a rare thing. Karma has become quite lazy.” “I don’t think-” “Comeuppance!” “Is it though?” “IT IS COMEUPPANCE!” “Fine. Having a pigeon deliver retribution on my nice clean robe is my comeuppance for…existing.” https://t.co/KKCd5GVpe3
"I #treasure these moments Grim."
"Comeuppance is a rare thing. Karma has become quite lazy."
"I don't think-"
"Is it though?"
"Fine. Having a pigeon deliver retribution on my nice clean robe is my comeuppance for…existing."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/KKCd5GVpe3— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 12, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit December 12, 2020 at 08:25AM
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“We will ride the chariot of Death-“ “My minivan, Beezy?” “On an epic quest to converse with disembodied figures-“ “You mean the drive-thru?” “As we journey to those #golden arches-“ “For burgers?” “And devour the flesh of our enemies.” “Cows?” “Yes Grim, I’m lovin’ it.” https://t.co/ViyHIix8qz
“We will ride the chariot of Death-“
“My minivan, Beezy?”
“On an epic quest to converse with disembodied figures-“
“You mean the drive-thru?”
“As we journey to those #golden arches-“
“For burgers?”
“And devour the flesh of our enemies.”
“Yes Grim, I’m lovin’ it.”#vss365 pic.twitter.com/ViyHIix8qz— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 11, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit December 11, 2020 at 12:16PM
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Beezy & Grim Short
*knock, knock*
"Mr Reaper!"
"Hello post person."
"Another #daffodil for you."
"Thank you."
"Do you mind-"
"They are being sent by my nemesis as a message."
"What's the message."
"They know I don't like daffodils."
"That's not that scary."
"It's mean though."#whistpr pic.twitter.com/qWIqbridGj— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 10, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"Sleigh bells ring-"
"Grim, open up."
"One minute!"
*Bang, woosh*
"Beezy, hi!"
"What's going on?"
"I smell cinnamon."
"Stupid festive neighbours! Grr!"
"That's #tinsel hanging out your robe."
"It's a sex thing."
"Ok. Not going festive are you?"
"Ha, silly."#vsshumour pic.twitter.com/epWLMc26zW— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 10, 2020
“This will teach them to treat me like an #outcast, Grim.” “You are an outcast.” “Irrelevant, help me tie this bow.” “I’m not sure how participating in secret Santa-” “I didn’t keep to the agreed expenditure. All the other gifts will look cheap in comparison.” “…evil.”
"This will teach them to treat me like an #outcast, Grim."
"You are an outcast."
"Irrelevant, help me tie this bow."
"I'm not sure how participating in secret Santa-"
"I didn't keep to the agreed expenditure. All the other gifts will look cheap in comparison."
"…evil."#vss365— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 10, 2020
Source: @InkDisregardit December 10, 2020 at 07:01AM
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Beezy & Grim Short
"Beezy, what's this?"
"A game. You put the cat in the basket, then fire it at the wall, if it sticks, you win."
"Why would they stick?"
"It's a velcro wall."
"That explains the howling."
"Want a go at cat'a'wall?"
"Oh, #caterwaul, clever."
"What's clever?"#whistpr— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 9, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"Tidings of #joy."
"I heard you, Grim, who says that?"
"It means-"
"I implore you extrapolate our discourse until it reaches fruition thus absolving me of the need to engage further."
"I…oh. Bye Beezy."
"Fare thee well."
"You made your point!"#vsshumour— Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 9, 2020