"…who has never sinned cast the first #stone, ow!" "Hello. I'm Death my sins don't count." "That hurt." "Doubtful. They already impaled you on a spear. Called you a self-righteous arse nugget, quite rude. No stones involved though. Anyhoo, you're dead, come along."#whistpr — R Young – louder now. 10495/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 11, 2020
Author Archives: admin
Beezy & Grim Short July 11, 2020 at 07:45AM
"They don't like anyone different Grim." "Variety is the spice of life, Beezy." "I like oregano it masks the taste of fear." "They're #xenophobic?" "Angels are elitists. The'd rather watch and record on their phones than help." "Like you when-" "I'm the devil."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/ZyRrfOw8nk — R Young – louder now. 10495/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 11, 2020 …
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Beezy & Grim Short July 10, 2020 at 08:25AM
"Look, Beezy, a sweet little #orphan child." "Grim. It's a demon." "But it's so cute." "It sucks all energy from mortals, it makes them insipid, stupid, selfish, and incapable of more than a few moments conversation." "It makes them parents." "Yes…yes it does."#vss365 — R Young – being QUIET! 8295/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 10, 2020 Source: …
Continue reading “Beezy & Grim Short July 10, 2020 at 08:25AM”
Beezy & Grim Short July 09, 2020 at 09:18AM
"Grim, that elephant has a stamp and Albion Street written on it." "Someone finally decided to address it." "It's staring." "I'd hoped it would forget." "What happened?" "I thought a #pachyderm would be better than a white horse." "And?" "It confused people."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/ONRVqfYWs5 — R Young – being QUIET! 7107/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 9, 2020 Source: …
Continue reading “Beezy & Grim Short July 09, 2020 at 09:18AM”
Beezy & Grim Short
"They will suffer.""How Beezy?""We'll pay #venal people to make sure everyone around them is scared to know them.""Sounds unreasonable.""Grim, people will accept it's #cancelculture.""But it's a sliding scale and too vague to ever be useful.""The perfect cover!"#bravewrite — R Young – being QUIET! 5174/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 8, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short
"You say what you want and #pretend it's your right?""Yes, well done.""And if people don't want to listen?""That's #CancelCulture.""That's not their choice?""Nope. Free speech!'""They must listen? That's free speech?""Shut up Grim.""I won't Beezy! Free speech!"#whistpr — R Young – being QUIET! 3641/90000 (@InkDisregardit) July 8, 2020
Beezy & Grim Short July 08, 2020 at 08:28AM
"Interesting #aesthetic Beezy.""It's a working kitchen.""I expected blood, organs, dismembered limbs.""Why Grim? Because I'm the devil?""No, I-""I roast my coffee beans, the fridge is full of quinoa, the blender is for kale protein shakes-""Oh my, it's horrific."#vss365 pic.twitter.com/PJg1yeT1W2 — R Young – out of tag games & self-promo for a bit (@InkDisregardit) July 8, 2020 …
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Beezy & Grim Short
“How long has it been this way?”“As we are eternal, so too is this.”“#forever?”“Forever Beezy.”“But Grim-““This is the way of things. For all eternity there will be one dickhead who believes their bag deserves a chair more than another human being on the bus.”#BraveWrite — R Young – out of tag games & self-promo for …
Beezy & Grim Short
“How long has it been this way?”“As we are eternal, so too is this.”“#forever?”“Forever Beezy.”“But Grim-““This is the way of things. For all eternity there will be one dickhead who believes their bag deserves a chair more than another human being on the bus.”#BraveWrite — R Young – out of tag games & self-promo for …
Beezy & Grim Short
"Beezy. Come on we'll miss the free cocktail.""I don't pay for drinks anyway. Grim, why are we here?""To hear about a new exciting business opportunity.""A pyramid scheme? I invented them.""No, I'm not stupid. They're a scam. This is an #obelisk scheme.""Oh for f-"#whistpr — R Young – out of tag games & self-promo for a …