Beezy & Grim Short July 19, 2020 at 08:12AM

"No Grim! Don't open that!""What is it?"*pop*"No!""I'm sorry Beezy. You're upset. I feel terrible, what-""You released the #empathy I've been siphoning from the mortal world.""So I'm feeling empathy.""I was saving it up. That's also why they're such a bunch of-"#vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 19, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 19, 2020 at 08:12AM …

Beezy & Grim Short July 18, 2020 at 03:52PM

"Shiny.""Maybe it's tactical Beezy.""And muscular. Is that normal?""It's the fashion.""A loin cloth?""Big sword.""Huge, the loin cloth barely, oh, the blade. Shame to kill him.""They'll send another #warrior.""Mortals are determined to kill me, why Grim?"#vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 18, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 18, 2020 at 03:52PM More information Your Website/Page Anchor Text …

Beezy & Grim Short July 18, 2020 at 11:44AM

"Hell for people who exclude others.""Why this Beezy?""I've buried their heads.""Like an ostrich.""Exactly, because they #ostracize people Grim!""But burying your head in the sand means something else and ostriches don't actually do that.""…it's still unpleasant."#vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 18, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 18, 2020 at 11:44AM More information Your Website/Page Anchor …

Beezy & Grim Short July 17, 2020 at 09:42PM

"This is #awkward.""Hello awkward, nice to meet you.""You're making this worse. Why are you here?""Karaoke?""We're not doing karaoke.""But-""This is Dennis and we booked this-""At first I was afraid-""Grim-""I was petrified kept thinking Beezy would abandon me-"#vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 17, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 17, 2020 at 09:42PM More information Your Website/Page Anchor …

Beezy & Grim Short July 17, 2020 at 08:47AM

"Who's that Grim?""That's Pandemonium.""You better introduce me.""No. I'll end up talking with her friend. Have you met Emic?""Emic?""Short for #Pandemic, Beezy, she talks so much and makes awkward pauses-""B-""Where you think she's done but she just keeps going!"#vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 17, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 17, 2020 at 08:47AM More information …

Beezy & Grim Short July 16, 2020 at 09:46AM

"Why are you wearing that Beezy?""Your text said #anathema party…""Oh, a themed party, predictive text is silly! The theme is 'awesome'.""I'm leaving.""Why?""Grim, I'm dressed like a bastarding angel!""Oh.""OH? These wings are from a gryphon, they're endangered!"#vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 16, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 16, 2020 at 09:46AM More information Your Website/Page …

Beezy & Grim Short

"The #well of lost souls.""Grim, why are they lost?""I didn't know where to put them.""So this is a miscellaneous filing cabinet for souls?""That doesn't sound as cool Beezy.""They're swirling around.""They're washing my robes…non-bio only.""Because?""Zombies."#whistpr — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 15, 2020

Beezy & Grim Short

"Flick this switch and…""Hello.""It's ALIVE!""Oh, that was me. I'm Death.""What? I've just created life!""You #discombobulated a corpse and were struck by lightning. In good news, there's a guy up the street who got the wiring right…so…new body for you!"#BraveWrite — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 15, 2020

Beezy & Grim Short July 15, 2020 at 08:04AM

"Me again.""Oh, hello Grim.""Finished?""The #Chronicle of Skeltorian still isn't quite there.""Oh come on!""Writer's block.""This is getting silly it's been two hundred years just give me the sequel then you can die.""Not many books with fleshless heroes…"#vss365 — R Young (@InkDisregardit) July 15, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit July 15, 2020 at 08:04AM More information Your Website/Page …