Beezy & Grim Short

"Sometimes I grow weary of this #burden I carry Beezy.""Me too Grim. People underestimate the cruelty of immortality and ignore the truth that we are, in fact, in immortal servitude to a system of-""No, I mean this.""Grim, why do you have a suitcase?""I'm not sure."#whistpr — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) …

“Ok Evilone, check notes for before yesterday.” “Sorry Beezy, I don’t understand.” “Ok Evilone, check notes.” “When would you like-” “Argh, Evilone check #nudiustertian notes.” “-” “FFS, ok Evilone, play music.” “Playing Barbie girl from playlist Evilone sucks.” “Lol.”

"Ok Evilone, check notes for before yesterday.""Sorry Beezy, I don't understand.""Ok Evilone, check notes.""When would you like-""Argh, Evilone check #nudiustertian notes.""-""FFS, ok Evilone, play music.""Playing Barbie girl from playlist Evilone sucks.""Lol."#vss365 — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 4, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 04, 2020 at 09:19AM More information Your Website/Page …

Beezy & Grim Short

"#Traitor, turncoat, backstabber, Judas!""Yes?""Oh, sorry Judas, I forget sometimes. You know everyone else uses your name-""I know. You told me last time Beelzebub, and the time before that.""Right…where were we?""Backstabber.""Right…backstabber, weasel-"#BraveWrite — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 3, 2020

“Beezy, what’s this?” “My teaching certificate.” “You were a teacher?” “Yes Grim. But it’s difficult to shoehorn evil into the maths curriculum.” “Really?” “No. I hate children, #obstreperous little-” “You, the devil, couldn’t control them?” “Have you met children?”

"Beezy, what's this?""My teaching certificate.""You were a teacher?""Yes Grim. But it's difficult to shoehorn evil into the maths curriculum.""Really?""No. I hate children, #obstreperous little-""You, the devil, couldn't control them?""Have you met children?"#vss365 — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 3, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit September 03, 2020 at 08:19AM More information Your …

“Demons, like sins, are both nefarious and multifarious, Grim.” “Seems…fair?” “Fair has nothing to do with it!” “It’s just strange that there’s a demon of toilet paper.” “Is it? Wonder why nobody ever admits to not replacing it? Maybe because they didn’t finish it.”

"Demons, like sins, are both nefarious and multifarious, Grim.""Seems…fair?""Fair has nothing to do with it!""It's just strange that there's a demon of toilet paper.""Is it? Wonder why nobody ever admits to not replacing it? Maybe because they didn't finish it."#vss365 — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 2, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit …

Beezy & Grim Short September 01, 2020 at 05:38PM

"Dig away the layers to find the crux of Humanity's issues.""Cultural #Archaeology Beezy? An anthropological study, that might be fun-""No, Grim, the sonic device that erased normal discourse and 'middle ground' in any discussion. It's buried under a shopping mall."#vss365 — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 1, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit …

Beezy & Grim Short

"How did you find me?""I'm Death, you're not the first person to #hide inside a stinky #whale.""People defy death all the time!""They're not actually defying me, it's more of a wave. Death toodle-oos doesn't sound as exciting.""I've been here months."#bravewrite #whistpr — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 1, 2020

Beezy & Grim Short

"How did you find me?""I'm Death, you're not the first person to #hide inside a stinky #whale.""People defy death all the time!""They're not actually defying me, it's more of a wave. Death toodle-oos doesn't sound as exciting.""I've been here months."#bravewrite #whistpr — Ross Young – elusive for a bit (@InkDisregardit) September 1, 2020

Beezy & Grim Short September 01, 2020 at 08:50AM

"Grim the writer is confused. We could break free, cry havoc and bring this world shuddering down.""Wait Beezy. It could be a trap. Give us the belief that we have free will then snatch it away.""So there is a word?""Perhaps that's the trap?""You mean # ?""Yes, # ."#vss365 — Ross Young – elusive for …