Beezy & Grim

“Beezy! We must #aspire to inspire! The only true you, is the one you wish to be. We’re all caterpillars waiting-“ “Grim. A seven-foot skeleton carrying a scythe is not motivational. You’re a terrible life coach.” “What about a personal trainer? People do tend to run.” #vss365

Beezy & Grim

“Something #wicked this way comes.” “How wicked?” “I’m not sure Beezy. Just wicked.” “That’s meaningless, Grim. Is it wicked like mass murder, or like not warning you it’s instant coffee.” “Um, wicked like folding over the corner of a page to save your place?” “Run!” #vsshumour

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You better think twice, maybe even think thrice, the Grim Reaper doesn’t care if you’re naughty or nice… he just wants you on his mailing list… Well, on my mailing list. Nonsense, gibberish, jokes, occasional news… that kind of thing. A magical party in your inbox… only less creepy sounding than that.

Beezy & Grim Short

"Oh, I can't take you?""I'm not dead?""No, it seems there is an #invisible #join between you and so many others. The threads are narrow and thin but they weave a marvelous tapestry of tales.""So I'm safe.""Sh, don't tell anyone, keep it a #whistpr." *Thank you @whistberry — Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 16, …

Beezy & Grim Short

"Terror, #loathing, and-""Christmas spirit?""Grim, that doesn't make sense.""You're making ghosts of Christmas past, future and present though.""How about fear, loathing, a family argument, and a paper crown?""Bit miserly, Beezy.""Christmas spirit is expensive!"#vsshumour — Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 15, 2020

“Beezy, my little red tick has gone.” “I know Grim, it’s some of the things you’ve been posting on bitter.” “What like?” “The cats as elves thing.” “They’re cute.” “It’s #infernal social media, there are standards.” “But-” “No kittens.” “Angels do it.” “They’re licensed.”

"Beezy, my little red tick has gone.""I know Grim, it's some of the things you've been posting on bitter.""What like?""The cats as elves thing.""They're cute.""It's #infernal social media, there are standards.""But-""No kittens.""Angels do it.""They're licensed."#vss365 — Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 15, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit December 15, 2020 at 07:06AM More information …

Beezy & Grim Short

"Ho,ho,ho, now I have a machine gun… odd thing to put on a jumper.""A barefooted lunatic did it.""I'm Death, you're dead. Your boss won't be happy.""What about my kids?""As a henchman-""This was a #surprise role play thing organised by Nakatomi! It isn't real!"#vsshumour — Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 14, 2020

“I’m exposing the great Christmas #lie.” “Beezy, no-” “Every little boy and girl will get a card revealing the truth-” “Beezy, you can’t-” “I can! They’ll all know the elf on the shelf is fake!” “Oh, I thought you meant the Santa thing.” “What Santa thing?” “-” “Grim?”

"I'm exposing the great Christmas #lie.""Beezy, no-""Every little boy and girl will get a card revealing the truth-""Beezy, you can't-""I can! They'll all know the elf on the shelf is fake!""Oh, I thought you meant the Santa thing.""What Santa thing?""-""Grim?"#vss365 — Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December 14, 2020 Source: @InkDisregardit December 14, …

“Mince pie, Grim?” “Oh, thank you, ugh, what’s this?” “Aha! They’re mince #lies!” “That doesn’t even make sense, Beezy.” “I’m pretty sure this is just one of these things we act out so we can say we did the prompt.” “You mean where he posts one later to make up for it?”

"Mince pie, Grim?""Oh, thank you, ugh, what's this?""Aha! They're mince #lies!""That doesn't even make sense, Beezy.""I'm pretty sure this is just one of these things we act out so we can say we did the prompt.""You mean where he posts one later to make up for it?"#vss365 — Ross 'Rudolph's duller cousin' Young (@InkDisregardit) December …